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People with ADHD experience an ongoing pattern of the following types of symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. ADHD can affect daily activities and relationships, and it can continue into the teen years and adulthood. Getting a proper diagnosis and assessment is important for people with ADHD. There are different types of ADHD tests and assessments available, including self-assessment quizzes and formal diagnosis and assessment. In this blog post, we will discuss ADHD test online, which is a convenient way to assess your attention and focus.

Types of ADHD Tests and Assessments

Self-assessment quizzes

Self-assessment quizzes are a popular way to assess ADHD symptoms. These quizzes are usually free and can be taken online. They consist of a series of questions that ask about your behavior and symptoms. The questions are designed to help you identify whether you have ADHD symptoms or not.

One example of a self-assessment quiz is the ADHD quiz by Psych Central[3]. This short, free ADHD test is meant for anyone who thinks they may benefit from an evaluation for ADHD. The statements in this quiz can help you figure out whether you might need the support of a mental health professional for the symptoms you’ve been experiencing.

Self-assessment quizzes can be helpful in identifying potential ADHD symptoms. However, they are not a substitute for a formal diagnosis and assessment by a medical professional.

Formal diagnosis and assessment

A formal diagnosis and assessment by a medical professional is the most accurate way to diagnose ADHD. A medical professional can use tools and techniques to assess your symptoms and determine whether you have ADHD or not.

Healthcare providers use the guidelines in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth edition (DSM-5) to help diagnose ADHD[6]. This diagnostic standard helps ensure that people are appropriately diagnosed and treated for ADHD. Using the same standard across communities can also help determine how many children have ADHD, and how public management in healthcare is impacted by this condition.

How to Take an ADHD Test Online

Taking an ADHD test online is easy and convenient. There are many websites that offer ADHD tests, and most of them are free. Here are the steps to take when having an ADHD test online:

  1. Find a reputable website that offers ADHD tests. Some popular websites include ADDitude, Psych Central, and ADHD Awareness Month.
  2. Take the test. Most ADHD tests consist of a series of questions that ask about your behavior and symptoms. The questions are designed to help you identify whether you have ADHD symptoms or not.
  3. Get your results. After you have completed the test, you will receive your results. The results will tell you whether you have ADHD symptoms or not.

It is important to note that an online ADHD test is not a substitute for a formal diagnosis and assessment by a medical professional. If you suspect that you have ADHD, it is important to seek professional help.

What to Do After Taking an ADHD Test Online

After taking an ADHD test online, it is important to seek professional help if you suspect that you have ADHD. An online ADHD test is not a substitute for a formal diagnosis and assessment by a medical professional.

If you suspect that you have ADHD, you can seek help from a healthcare provider, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or primary care physician. These professionals can help you determine whether you have ADHD and provide you with treatment options.

Treatment for ADHD may include medication, therapy, or a combination of both. Medications can help manage symptoms of ADHD, such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Therapy can help you learn coping strategies and improve your social skills.

Accommodations for ADHD in School

ADHD can affect academic performance and behavior in school. However, there are accommodations available for students with ADHD to help them succeed in school. Here are some common accommodations for students with ADHD in school:

– Extended time on tests and assignments

– Preferential seating

– Breaks during class

– Use of a fidget toy

– Use of a computer or tablet for note-taking

– Used of a planner or organizer

In addition to these accommodations, teachers can also use strategies to help students with ADHD succeed in school. These strategies may include breaking down tasks into smaller steps, providing clear instructions, and using positive reinforcement.

Benefits of Taking an ADHD Test Online

Taking an ADHD test online can be beneficial in several ways. Here are some of the benefits of taking an ADHD test online:

Convenient and Accessible

Online ADHD tests are convenient and accessible. You can take the test from the comfort of your own home, and you don’t need to schedule an appointment with a medical professional. This can be especially helpful for people who live in rural areas or have difficulty accessing in-person services.

Increased Accuracy and Reliability

Online testing tools are designed to be highly accurate and reliable, and the results are typically generated automatically. This can help increase the accuracy of the diagnosis and reduce the risk of misdiagnosis.

Fast Results

Online ADHD tests can provide fast results. You can usually get your results within a few minutes of completing the test. This can be helpful for people who want to get a quick assessment of their symptoms.


Online ADHD tests are usually free or low-cost, which can be helpful for people who cannot afford to pay for a formal diagnosis and assessment by a medical professional.

Limitations of Taking an ADHD Test Online

While there are benefits to taking an ADHD test online, there are also limitations:

Not a Substitute for a Formal Diagnosis and Assessment

An ADHD test online is not a substitute for a formal diagnosis and assessment by a medical professional. If you suspect that you have ADHD, it is important to seek professional help.

Limited in Scope

Online ADHD tests are limited in scope and cannot provide a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms. A medical professional can use tools and techniques to assess your symptoms and determine whether you have ADHD or not.

Risk of Misdiagnosis

Online ADHD tests can increase the risk of misdiagnosis. It is important to seek professional help if you suspect that you have ADHD.

Are Online ADHD Tests as Accurate as In-Person Tests?

ADHD test online is a convenient way to assess your attention and focus. However, the question remains: are online ADHD tests as accurate as in-person tests? In this section, we will explore the accuracy of online ADHD tests compared to in-person tests.

Accuracy of Online ADHD Tests

ADHD test online can be a useful tool for identifying potential ADHD symptoms. However, they are not a substitute for a formal diagnosis and assessment by a medical professional. Online ADHD tests are limited in scope and cannot provide a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms.

According to a review of the available measures and performance tests for ADHD, computerized tests are only one possible part of the evaluation process for ADHD

A thorough ADHD evaluation may include an intake of your developmental and health history, interviews with parents, teachers, caregivers, co-workers, and you.

Online ADHD tests can be helpful in identifying potential ADHD symptoms. However, they are not a substitute for a formal diagnosis and assessment by a medical professional. If you suspect that you have ADHD, it is important to seek professional help.

Accuracy of In-Person Tests

In-person tests for ADHD are typically more accurate than online tests. A medical professional can use tools and techniques to assess your symptoms and determine whether you have ADHD or not.

A thorough ADHD diagnosis includes symptom tests and interviews, plus a medical history evaluation to rule out any other conditions

Most clinical interviews include completing one or more of the ADHD rating scales, as well as other ADHD tests. A proper ADHD test should determine whether a person has ADHD and rule out or identify other problems — learning disabilities, autism, auditory processing disorders, or mood disorders.


ADHD test online is a convenient way to assess your attention and focus. After taking an ADHD test online, it is important to seek professional help if you suspect that you have ADHD. Accommodations are available for students with ADHD in school to help them succeed academically. By seeking help and using accommodations, people with ADHD can manage their symptoms and improve their daily functioning.